
Access your entire healthcare ecosystem

Seamlessly integrate with provider networks and health solutions partners on the MacroHealth Intelligent Exchange™ (MiX) platform.

A simple, flexible point of connection

Connect provides healthcare Payers with an efficient, single-point connection to their entire healthcare ecosystem, including networks and other health solutions partners.

Benefits of Connect
for Payers vs Health Market Partners

For Payers, Connect enables you to have an easy and efficient, single-point connection to your entire healthcare ecosystem, so you can more effectively allocate time and resources. For Health Market Partners, you can seamlessly connect to a payer, or multiple payers, without investing additional resources.

Secure, Reliable Infrastructure

Your data is stored in a HIPAA/SOC2 compliant cloud environment with all infrastructure, services and connections managed and monitored by MacroHealth. We protect the continuity of your business; your data is backed up and ready for restoration in a disaster situation.


Explore the MiX Platform

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Identify optimal networks and other Health Market Partners through the MiX platform

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Access your Intelligent Health Market through a single integration point

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Leverage actionable, real-time data insights to gain a competitive edge and grow your business

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Transform Your Business with the MiX Platform

Experience the power of the MacroHealth Intelligent Exchange platform with a demo. Discover how our approach maximizes Health Market Partner participants, considers your operational requirements, and offers favorable contract terms and pricing. Unlock the benefits of our diverse partner options and tailored solutions for your business.

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Witness data-driven healthcare transformation firsthand. Request exclusive access to the MiX Platform Demo video now.

Get Exclusive Access to The Intelligent Future of Healthcare Markets

It’s time to transform healthcare markets with information technology. Fill out the form below for access to The Intelligent Future of Healthcare Markets white paper now.